How to host your community or social group link
Host your community or social group link seamlessly with Flexpoint. Share, connect, and grow your network effortlessly—all in one beautifully designed, user-friendly platform.
Last updated
Host your community or social group link seamlessly with Flexpoint. Share, connect, and grow your network effortlessly—all in one beautifully designed, user-friendly platform.
Last updated
Log in to Flexpoint, go to the Product tab, click Add product
Click on Community Hub
Edit Thumbnail
Update your thumbnail information in a simple steps:
Upload a Thumbnail image.
Create a title name for your community.
Add a Short description.
Add a button text (you can customize the button text to align with your preferences).
After filling in your edit thumbnail details, click "Next Step" to proceed to the next page.
Editing the Checkout
Update your Checkout information in a simple steps:
Select an image for the header, and write up a title and description for your checkout page. This is what your customers will see when they click on the actual product!.
Confirm your pricing! Just a heads up, Add Discount Code, Limit Quantity.
Write a description for your Community hub.
You can give any name you want from Book A Call.
Confirm what information you'd like to collect from your customers and add additional fields if you'd like!.
After filling in your edit Checkout details, click "Next Step" to proceed to the next page.
Community Link
Update your Community link information in a simple steps:
Add your Private Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord group link.
Upon purchase, these links will be automatically emailed to your customer.
After filling in your edit Community link, click "Next Step" to proceed to the next page.
Here are some final steps to publish your Community hub:
Head to your Advanced tab
You can add a promo video link by clicking on the promo video tab.
Also, edit your Confirmation Email. This is what your customers will receive once they've purchased and booked the call with you.
After filling in all your information, click "Publish" to proceed to the publish. It will take a few seconds to publish the Community hub.